Ink trolley

Safe and efficient transport of ink buckets between storage and production.The bcm trolley for ink buckets is constructed to ensure a safe and efficient transport of the ink buckets between the storage and the converting lines in the production. These trolleys meet your requirements and are built to contain both ink buckets, flexo stereos and rotary dies. The trolley helps to reduce the operator's transport time between storage and production. Specifically, the operator has easy access to the tools, so that the trolleys can be efficiently loaded and unloaded.

Contact bcm to design a customized trolley for your storage.

bcm designed trolley for ink buckets

Multi ink trolley  

Item number: 5035875

  • Length: 2000 mm

  • Width: 805 mm

  • Height: 1854 mm

  • Ink buckets: up to 15


Easy ink trolley  

Item numer: 5032783

  • Length: 1279 mm

  • Width: 506 mm

  • Height: 1288 mm

  • Ink buckets: up to 6



Click on the datasheet picture to download the full version

Multi ink trolley
Multi ink trolly for ink buckets that can store up to 12 bucktes
Easy ink trolley
Easy ink bucket trolley that can store up to 6 buckets

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