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Multiple bcm storages at Viallon, France


     Why you cannot be competitive with homemade tool storages.

Discover how one of the leading corrugated factories, Viallon Emballage, has optimised its storage process for flexo stereos

flat bed and rotary dies in the quest of becoming one of the market leaders in France.


Viallon Emballage is a family-owned corrugated factory that has existed since 1964. It started out as a minor player in the French corrugated industry and primarily used homemade solutions in the factory. Over the years, it has invested heavily in new high-end equipment in order to grow the company considerably. Today, it is one of the independent leaders on the market and has one of the most advanced corrugated factories, which consists of a 40,000 m² facility that is equipped with high-end industrial equipment.


“During the expansion, we noticed that we had to optimise our homemade storages for flexo stereos, flat bed and rotary dies, because they caused several problems. Specifically, they had a very large storage area that required too much space and resulted in both damaged tools and inefficient handling for our operators. In addition, they made the storage process very time-consuming and caused the converting machines to run inefficiently due to production stoppages, where we had to repair the damaged tools,” explains Christophe Viallon, CEO at Viallon Emballage. “To solve these problems, we worked closely on multiple projects with bcm transtech from Denmark, so that we could get the optimal storages for our flexo stereos, flat bed and rotary dies.”

Storage and handling solutions

In order to solve the projects, bcm transtech designed, manufactured and installed two large storages. The first project was a large flat bed die storage, which consists of a 9-meter-tall and 28-meter-long double rack system that can store 1560 flat bed die sets. In addition, the storage uses a PrimeStorage F2, T-type crane to handle the cassettes between the rack system and the transport trolleys. The second project was a PrimeStorage FRP, T-type, a 9-meter-tall and 22.5-meter-long double rack system, which can store 1504 rotary dies, 624 flat bed die sets and 7200 flexo stereos in different sizes. Moreover, the storage uses the same gantry crane to handle the flat bed and rotary dies between the rack system and the transport trolleys, while the flexo stereos are stored and handled manually.

“The storages were designed to store the maximum number of tools per m² and adapted to fit the factory’s layout. Specifically, we used our solid know-how and abilities, which are based on more than 20 years of experience, to make the best solution that could optimise their entire storage process. On this basis, the operators’ work processes were optimised, because the solutions made it easy, safe and efficient to store, handle and transport the tools between storage and production,” adds Torben Christiansen, CEO at bcm transtech.

The benefits

The two storages have benefited the factory in several ways. Firstly, they reduced the factory’s storage space, so that it could be used for other machinery. Secondly, they have also organised the tools, so that it is easy, safe and efficient for the operators to find and handle the tools between storage and production. On this basis, the operators save time locating and handling the tools. Thirdly, they optimised the health and safety standards, because the operators avoid heavy lifting and other safety concerns when handling heavy tools. This results in a minimised risk of injuries and accidents that can cause long-term sick leave for the operators. Lastly, the operators avoid damaging the tools during storage and handling, which leads to reduced maintenance costs and minimal production stoppages, because the operators do not have to repair the tools.

“We have been very satisfied with the two storages, because they have solved our problems. Specifically, we started out with the large flat bed die storage and was quickly convinced to invest in the combined storage for the rest of our tools. On this basis, they have been the optimal solutions for our factory, because the minimal storage space, the improved work processes and the significant reduction in tool damages have contributed to our growth and helped us supply a consistent standard of high-quality products with short delivery times to our customers,” concludes Christophe Viallon, CEO at Viallon Emballage.

” We have been very pleased with the collaboration, because bcm transtech is a really professional supplier with a lot of know-how and experience. Specifically, its abilities as a total supplier with a high level of presales and aftersales support have been valuable for us.

”Christophe Viallon, CEO at Viallon Emballage